Ensi viikon torstaista, 30.9. lähtien Ducati esittelee kahden viikon välein vuoden 2022 uutuusmalleja Borgo Panigalesta käsin.
Kaikki julkaisujaksot esitetään Ducati.com-verkkosivustolla ja yrityksen Youtube- sekä sosiaalisen median kanavilla.
DesertX – Adventurepyörä
Uusi DesertX esiteltiin konseptipyöränä EICMAssa 2019, jolloin se oli varustettu Scramblerin 800-kuutioisella moottorilla. Nyt Ducati kertoo tulevasta uutuusmallisarjan päättävästä julkaisusta sen verran, että sen runko on suunniteltu uusiksi, ja että siinä käytetään 937 kuutiosenttimetrin Testastretta-moottoria. Lisäksi etupyörä on nyt 21-tuumainen. Kyseessä lienee siis vakavastiotettava adventuremalli.
"Onpa tavoitteena sitten tutkailla mäkiä kotisi takaa, ajaa vaikeita erämaita etsien uusia vuoristoreittejä, uusi Ducati DesertX on pyörä, joka sallii kuljettajiensa muuttaa seikkailullisimmatkin unelmansa todeksi", hehkutetaan Ducatin tiedotteessa.
- - Syyskuun 30, 2021: Ducati World Première - Episode 1 | Your everyday wonder
- - Lokakuun 14, 2021: Ducati World Première - Episode 2 | Mark your roots
- - Lokakuun 28, 2021: Ducati World Première - Episode 3 | Rule all mountains
- - Marraskuun 11, 2021: Ducati World Première - Episode 4 | A new Fighter in town
- - Marraskuun 25, 2021: Ducati World Première - Episode 5 | The evolution of Speed
- - Joulukuun 9, 2021: Ducati World Première - Episode 6 | Dream Wilder - DesertX
Kuten huomaat, jokainen julkistuspäivämäärä antaa vihjeen siitä, mitä kulloisenakin päivänä luvataan julkistettavan. Motorcycle esitti niistä seuraavanlaisen arvauksen:
Syyskuun 30: Ehkä Monster-malli jokapäiväiseen ajoon?
Lokakuun 14: Vaikuttaa Scrambleriltä, koska ollaan perusasioiden äärellä. Vai koskeeko päivitys koko mallisarjaa?
Lokakuun 28: Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak -versio.
Marrraskuun 11: Uusi hävittäjä kaupungissa, Panigale V2:n Streetfighter V2 955 cm3 Superquadro V-Twinillä varustettuna.
Marrraskuun 25: Panigale V4 R Euro 5 -kelpoisena?
Parin viikon välein viisastumme.
Speaking of the Panigales, Ducati’s sportbikes will likely be the focal point of Episode 5. Ducati updated the Panigale V4, V4 S and V4 SP last year to meet Euro 5 requirements, so we don’t expect more than minor changes or color updates for them. The Panigale V4 R is another matter, as the World Superbike homologation model is still only certified under Euro 4. An update to bring it inline with the latest emissions standards makes the superbike a likely candidate for Episode 4.
2021 Ducati Panigale V2
Similarly, the Panigale V2 is a candidate for an update. The V2 was introduced in 2020, and still relatively new, but it’s expected that the World Supersport class will be expanded to include the V-Twin equipped Panigale for 2022. Episode 5 notably takes place on the day the 2021 EICMA show opens to the public, so perhaps that is the when details of the new World Supersport class will be announced. A model refresh, or perhaps an up-spec racing model would be a good way for Ducati to launch its World Supersport racing effort. “Panigale V2 R” is a likely name for the new race bike, but the capitalized “S” in the Episode 5 title may indicate that “Speed” will be part of the name.
For Episode 3, there’s a good bet that “Rule all mountains” is a reference to Pikes Peak. Motorcycles aren’t allowed to compete in the competition any more, but Ducati appears set on continuing to use the name, but this time on a new Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak model. Ducati already certified the Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for 2021, but we haven’t heard anything official yet. Our guess is that the Pikes Peak edition was delayed, likely a victim of the industry’s ongoing supplying chain issues, but is now ready for the 2022 model year.
The clues for Episodes 1 and 2 are a little less obvious, but through a process of elimination, we can assume it’s not for Multistradas, Panigales or Streetfighters. That leaves Ducati’s Monster, Scrambler, Supersport, Diavel, xDiavel and Hypermotard families. Episode 1’s title, “Your everyday wonder”, suggests a practical daily commuter model, and the Monster family probably best fits the bill.
Ducati introduced an all-new Monster last year, going away from its traditional steel trellis frame in place of a Panigale V4-derived aluminum frame design attached to its liquid-cooled 937cc Testastretta 11° engine. Ducati still offers the Monster 1200, but the Monster 797 is no longer listed on Ducati’s website. Ducati did, however, certify a 2022 Monster 797 with the U.S. EPA and the California Air Resources Board, indicating the model may not be going away just yet.
That leaves us with Episode 2: “Mark your roots”. This episode is most likely going to be about the Scrambler family, as it’s the closest thing Ducati currently has to a heritage model. Ducati introduces a new or updated Scrambler every year, so a new 2022 Scrambler that pays homage to a piece of Ducati’s history would be a reasonable guess.
Hypotheses aside, there is one interesting aspect of Ducati’s six-episode series of online announcements: the last two episodes take place after the Nov. 23 and 24 press days at EICMA. While several manufacturers have confirmed their attendance at this year’s show, Ducati is conspicuously not among them. Holding its last two announcements after the press days may suggest Ducati will have a much smaller presence, if any, at the Milan show.
Motorcycle.com will be covering each Ducati launch event so check back here on Sept. 30 for the first new 2022 Ducati announcement.